Kids Who Consume Fish Sleep Better and Have Higher IQ Levels

As per a study published in December 2017 by a group of researchers from University of Pennsylvania it has been found that growing kids who ate fish at least once per week have a better sleep quality and a higher IQ level as compared to kids who ate fish less often or did not eat fish at all.

Omega 3 Softgels
For the study researchers had surveyed 541 school kids aged between nine and eleven and asked them about their fish consumption pattern and measured their IQ levels. The parents were also included to know about their sleep quality.  It was found that children who consumed fish one a week or more had 4.8 points higher IQ than those who rarely or never consumed fish. Those who occasionally consumed fish scored 3.3 points higher.

Omega 3 can be found in many types of fish, including salmon, sardines and tuna. Prior studies had shown a connection between the fatty acids Omega 3 found in various marine fish, and enhanced intelligence, as well as omega-3s and peaceful sleep. But this is the first time that these three have been linked together. Many believe that better sleep leads to an improved IQ.

The researchers added that it is best to introduce fish early for children. The appropriate age
recommended to introduce fish is by the age of two and then gradually increase the fish diet over
time. The main reason behind this being, early introduction makes kids familiar with the taste and smell of fish. This is more important in cultures where fish is not commonly consumed.

Many studies suggest young children to consume at least two portions of oily fish per week to make sure that they get satisfactory levels of fish oil omega 3. An omega 3 supplement in from of omega 3 softgel for children can also be beneficial depending on the child’s age.

The research was published in the journal Scientific Reports.


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